the Van Dyke's

the Van Dyke's

Friday, August 3, 2012

still here

We're still around... I just don't have as much time as I would like to get on here to journal my thoughts and feelings on what is going on in our life. Between being a mom, wife, compensating for a sick hubby, caring for our home and photography I've been swamped. I've pulled many all-nighters trying to finish laundry, pick up toys, do dishes, organize meds & editing pictures. While it's exhausting, this is my life. I tell myself that someday I will miss all of my late nights on the couch and caring for a busy household. Yes, there are some big speed bumps ahead of us, but we are sincerely trying to make the best of journey. Some day Jon and I will be {Sitting in our rockers, eating Betty Crocker, watching the clock go tick-tock} and we'll realize that these difficult times in our lives were really "the good ole' days".

Things take a whole new meaning when you really stop to think about things. Priorities change. Marriages are strengthened. Children blossom and memories are made. Unfortunately for every positive change that occurs, we are hit smack in the face with struggles and heartache. It's not all rainbows and sunshine. Sometimes you're hit with thunder and lightning.

The past few weeks have not been easy. Jon doesn't have "sick time" at work. He can use his vacation time, but that is quickly dwindling away. Between Jon's monthly doctor's visits and our monthly meds, our medical bills are piling up fast. Let me tell you, I am VERY grateful for understanding medical practices. We may be paying these bills off for years, but they are at least being paid. We've also quickly learned that Jon's immunity is low and getting a simple cold can through EVERYTHING off kilter.

We have also been blessed with AMAZING family and friends who have significantly helped us in our most desperate times of need. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

In the midst of old dreams being crushed, new dreams are being made and even some really old dreams are starting to become a reality, we ask that you continue to send us good thoughts and prayers. Some really awesome things are starting to take shape for our family, but we know that there could possibly be more speed bumps in our way, but we're going to continue to strive forward, and Make EVERY Moment Count!!!

Jon's parents took us to the Ottawa County Fair this year... when I look at those 3 big smiles, on those 3 beautiful faces, I can't help but smile too. It's those same 3 smiles that get me through the really bad days, and the same 3 smiles that I see every morning and every night at bedtime. I know things have changed for our family. Our daily life has changed, the way I think has changed, the way I work has changed... many changes for us. But one thing never changes is the way those 3 smiles melt my heart... over and over again.

Make EVERY Moment Count.... seriously... do it... you won't regret a minute of it!!!
