the Van Dyke's

the Van Dyke's

Monday, June 4, 2012

Learning Limits...

Jon learned a good, yet hard lesson this weekend. He is so anxious to get the pool open and the backyard looking nice again. My brother was kind enough to help him out A LOT this weekend, but by Sunday morning, Jon was in pain. He tries to hide the pain and exhaustion, but he can't hide it from me. He definitely over did things this weekend. Amazingly he managed to get out of bed this morning for work. His dedication and positive attitude to fight through the pain seriously amazes me. I know deep down he would have loved to have just said "forget it, I'm not going to work", but he didn't. Yesterday he tried to take it easy, yet I busted him mowing the lawn in the afternoon... LOL!!!

Today he adds Metronidazole to his daily med routine. We've been told that this one can really mess with his stomach. We are crossing our fingers that it doesn't. When I picked up the Rx, the pharmacist told me that if he drinks any alcohol while taking this it will cause "projectile vomiting". Thankfully Jon is not a drinker, or we'd be in trouble. Projectile vomiting does NOT sound like fun!!!

Keep those good thoughts and prayers coming. Jon goes back to the doctor on the 12th to see how the meds are working. We are really trying to keep optimistic that all will go well with this new addition to the routine. Please continue to pray that Jon learns his limits too. We are learning new things daily, some lessons are hard to learn, but those hard lessons are going to make us stronger... I hope...

much love from our home to yours...

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